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Links to DUIMetrology Page Sections
What can a Member of Parliament do to strengthen forensic science in Canada?
C-2 Justice Committee Evidence
The Hodgson Report referred to in R. v. St-Onge Lamoureux
International Standard ISO 17025 competence of testing and calibration laboratories
National Research Council Canada - Recommended practices for calibration laboratories
OIML R 126 Evidential breath analyzers
C-46 Justice Committee evidence
C-46 Prioritizes Technical Evidence
Fruitful Areas for Cross-examination
Other Useful Links at this Site:
What is traceability of a measurement result?
What is a calibration interval?
What vocabulary do I need to learn?
What terminology do I need to learn?
Why should a student of forensic science and a law student both learn about forensic metrology?
Does the Charter of Rights apply to DUI Metrology?
Does Magna Carta apply to DUI litigation about metrology in Canada and other jurisdictions?
Where can I find an English version of section 320 of the Criminal Code in Canada?
Where can I find a French version of section 320 of the Criminal Code of Canada?
What important section 320 terminology do I need to learn in both English and French?
Where can I find a copy of Canada's Weights and Measures Act?